Monday, November 16, 2009

a new life"

me in malaysia :)

hi guys my name is Muneef S. Musa i live in Zamboanga Philippines i want to study here
in Malaysia because it is a opportunity for me to study
international like Malaysia,i would like aslo to thank my family especially my loivng and supporting parents without them i cannot full fill my dreams to become a chef inshallah after i finished my study here in Malaysia and also to my friends who are always there to accompany me and support thank you so much for always being there for me.
and i want also to change my life here, i want to strive more in my life and
i would like to find whats the best for me and now i found it here
i will create a new life a new Muneef so that everyone will be proud
for me and i will never destroy who are those people trusting me.
the main reason why im here because of my parents they are my
inspiration and my strenght to have a successful life
i want to make them pround someday. ilove them so much
they will never regret that i go here :)